
What is Supervision?
Aside from being a requirement of professional registration for many mental health professionals, supervision is a valuable way of 'checking in' with an experienced practitioner. It is provided to ensure standards, enhance quality, advance learning, stimulate creativity, and support the sustainability and resilience of the work being undertaken. Supervision offers you a reflective space in which to develop practice and so benefits client safety.
Clinical Supervision & Mentoring
Alex is a qualified and experienced Clinical Supervisor registered with the HGI. He offers supervision services to both trainee and registered Human Givens therapists. He also offers mentoring, coaching and supervision for professionals working across the mental health, social care and Higher Education sectors.
He offers supervision on a regular, occasional or ad hoc basis to individuals and groups both online and in person at the Mind the Mind practice. Alex is able to deliver supervision on site by request.
Alex offers both in person and online supervision sessions to individuals and groups..